You can download Catalyst application (Catalyst Browse / Catalyst Prepare / Catalyst Prepare Plugin) as well as browse or sign up for paid plans on this page.
An important notification regarding the start of your Sony account usage
Thank you for using Catalyst application (Catalyst Browse, Catalyst Prepare, Catalyst Edit). As of March 28, 2024, the Catalyst application provider will change from Sony Creative Software Inc. to Sony Corporation (Sony Electronics Inc. in the United States and Canada).
With this change, the account used for Catalyst application will be transitioned from a Sony Creative Software account to a Sony account. However, those who have purchased licenses with their current Sony Creative Software accounts can continue to use Catalyst applications with their Sony Creative Software accounts until the contract expiration date. After the contract expires, you will need to enter into a new contract with a Sony account to continue using Catalyst applications. You cannot transfer existing licenses' expiration dates to new Sony accounts. Therefore, you should continue to use your existing licenses with your Sony Creative Software account until they expire, and then create new contracts with your Sony account.
Applications that support Sony accounts are version 2024.1 or later.
Please read this for details regarding the countries and regions where the Sony account services have expanded.
You can download Catalyst application ( Catalyst Browse, Catalyst Prepare, Catalyst Prepare Plugin, Catalyst Edit ) here. You can use Catalyst Browse and Catalyst Prepare Plugin for free.
You cannot subscribe to a paid plan in your country/region.
Monthly plan
This plan allows you to use Catalyst Prepare.
This plan allows you to use Catalyst Prepare Plugin.
You can remove the Catalyst Prepare Plugin logo applied to the corrected video by purchasing a paid license.
In addition to Catalyst Prepare, this plan allows you to use Catalyst Edit.
- You will not be billed if you cancel by the day before the free period ends. After the free period ends, you will be automatically billed.
- If you use the free month for either Catalyst Prepare or Catalyst Production Suite, you cannot use the free month for the other one.
Annual plan
This plan allows you to use Catalyst Prepare.
This plan allows you to use Catalyst Prepare Plugin.
You can remove the Catalyst Prepare Plugin logo applied to the corrected video by purchasing a paid license.
In addition to Catalyst Prepare, this plan allows you to use Catalyst Edit.